Sunday, October 20, 2013

Real Estate Marketing Specialist

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Watson Realty

Individuals with Marketing Skills are Often Very Successful as Real Estate Agents. Is Becoming a Real Estate Agent Right For You?

Are Your Marketing Skills Being Underutilized?

Many people find themselves in jobs where their education and skills are not being fully utilized. A few individuals are willing to look beyond traditional marketing positions and consider opportunities with more potential, but most of us are too apprehensive to make this jump. Why does this happen? We're stuck.

Taking Risks to Become Successful

We all know that it is necessary to take risks to accomplish anything significant. If you made the transition from your current marketing job to a real estate position, would you be successful? No one can tell you that with 100% certainty, but we can help you better assess the likelihood of your success with our company.

"Dipping Your Toe" Into the Real Estate Profession

We've spent a great deal of time and resources studying the core capacities and traits of those who are successful as real estate agents inside our company. We're willing to share this information with you in hope of finding individuals who have a high chance of transitioning from your marketing role to a career in real estate.

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Is Real Estate Right for You?

Becoming a Real Estate Agent in Taft

To find out if you have capacities and traits similar to those who flourish in our company, we'd like to give you the opportunity to take the Core Capacity Index (CCI) assessment. It's quick and easy (takes 10 minutes), and you'll get to read and keep your results for your own personal benefit. With this information, we'll be able to help you determine if making a transition to working as a real estate agent in Taft is right for you.

Me, a Real Estate Agent? You've Got to Be Kidding!

Maybe you've never thought of yourself as a real estate agent. "Is this even a real career?" Every successful new agent initially ponders this question. In fact, very few people set out to be involved in the real estate industry - most discover real estate as a second or third career and then find great success and engagement. Would you experience the same thing if you transitioned from your marketing position? Find out now by taking the CCI.


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